Has Lyndon taken linkbait offline

by James Duthie on June 9, 2008

Just when you thought the linkbait saga had started to die a slow death… it seems Lyndon Antcliff may be at it again in the unlikely location of the land down under. Perhaps looking to avoid the fallout from the money.co.uk linkbait scandal, rumours are rife that Lyndon has flown into Australia to continue to work away from the intense spotlight. Indeed, some are even suggesting he has converted to offline media in an attempt to keep a low profile. However, despite his best efforts to remain anonymous, a recent marketing campaign has all the imprints of a Lyndoman special…

The marketing stunt sparking the rumours comes from a pub located in Melbourne, Australia. The local pub has the community in uproar with its controversial promotional tactics. In a bid to increase foot traffic, the pub has employed the services of a topless midget donning a tophat to pour free Jagermeister shots down revellers throats.

The full story is available here.

But the real story on everyone’s lips isn’t in fact of the midget. It’s the innuendo that the infamous Lyndon Antcliff has struck again. The similarities between this stunt and the adventures of little Ralph Hardy are striking:


In Lyndon’s fictional tale, Ralph Hardy posed as a midget in order to procure the services of two suspicious hookers. The fact that a midget has popped up at the centre of this controversy has not been lost on anyone. Has Lyndon taken his penchant for midget integration one step further? Could he be working on a new derivative of SMO – Serial Midget Optimisation…?


Ralph Hardy’s adventures took the world by storm after they were gobbled up by the sensationalistic crowd at Digg. Likewise, this current scandal sounds almost too bizarre to be true. Perhaps wary of being attacked again for fabricating facts, could Lyndon have decided to bring his sensational marketing tactics to life?


In the online world, controversy brings traffic and inbound links by the bucket load. And doesn’t Lyndon know it… Just take a look at the traffic spike money.co.uk generated after the publication of Ralph’s excellent adventure:

This latest stunt is up to its eyeballs in controversy. Could Lyndon have resorted to his old friend controversy to help boost foot traffic for the pub…?

Ethical outcrys

Ralph’s tales landed Lyndon in hot water within sections of the digital marketing community, with many crying foul over the tactic of fabricating a story for commercial gain. Likewise, sections of the local Melbourne community have reacted scornfully to the claims of irresponsible service of alcohol and the exploitation of a midget. Communities in uproar… coincidence or not…?

The Proof?

Several Melbournians have dialed into local media outlets to report Lyndon sightings over the past 48 hours. Indeed, one lady gave a vivid recall of a Lyndon sighting at a 7-11 on the 6pm news. Yet until recently, reports have been limited to hearsay and rumours. However, all that changed following the release of a photograph revealing scenes from inside the pub. Many say it provides the conclusive proof needed to tie the stunt to Mr Antcliff. Others say it’s simply the work of an amateur in Photoshop.

You be the judge… is that a familiar face in the bottom right hand corner…?

* Disclaimer – This story is a complete crock. Apart from the midget part… that’s true! And Im sure Lyndon wishes he thought of it first.

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{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Geld at informationeel.nl June 11, 2008 at 11:01 am

Nice, nice, nice :)

Your photoshop skills are kind of… bad.. though.

James Duthie June 12, 2008 at 5:56 am

Yeah Geld… my Photoshop skills totally suck. I’m happy to admit that. And that was sorta the point… to make it look completely fake for a laugh :)

Verzekering November 6, 2010 at 3:19 pm

Old post, found it by accident. Still nice to read!

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